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About Old Barn Woodshop

The shop is in an 1830's Bank Barn in Southwest Ohio.
My wife and I purchased and old farm shortly after we were married. Property consisted of a 1904 two story Brick Victorian home, a one car garage that was the original summer kitchen behind the house, and two barns. The smaller barn was from the 1920's, the large bank barn is dated from the 1830's.
County historical records show the original frame house was where the "newer" 1904 house sits.
The Bank barn was made with old growth White Oak that was abundant in the Ohio Valley in the 1700-1800's.
The roof is bark on logs with slab cut nail boards, the original shingle roofing is under the later metal roofing. When we first moved on to the farm, the barn had been poorly maintained. Horse stalls had been added under the hay loft. The 14" by 2" oak flooring was ruined by decades of manure and urine.
A lean to at the back of the barn, and a well house at the front of the barn had been poorly attached with no flashing. This led to extensive water rot.
While an Amish crew repaired structural damage to the back of the barn, I began a two-year project to build the "Old Barn Woodshop" under the hayloft.
2512 Krucker Rd
Hamilton , Ohio 45013

Old Barn Woodshop
Shop Tour

Click on the image below for a tour of the shop.

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