Some of the things I have done.
Cherry log to plaques.

About a year ago, I was contacted by Rob Gieger, the president of the Ramsey/Paxton Cemetery Association.
This group had been working on restoration and preserving the historic cemetery in Loveland, Ohio where my 5th great grandfather Col. Thomas Paxton is buried. He served with Gen. George Washington at Valley Forge in 1777.
Rob told me about a cherry tree at the cemetery that had to be taken down. He saved the logs. Since I was a woodworker, could I make plaques and bowls from the tree. Plaques were given to those supporting the cemetery efforts.
Saturday May 7th, at a ribbon cutting ceremony they were presented to supporters like Loveland Magazine, Paxton’s Grill, and Eads Fencing who provided the restored gates to the cemetery.
DAR and SAR (Daughters and Sons of the American Revolution) were also present at the cemetery.
Loveland Magazine just changed their Facebook profile to the plaque they received.
This was a woodworking project I really enjoyed.
Gavel for Master Mason

A custom request for the Old Barn Woodshop.
My brother in law called and asked if I can make a gavel shaped like a fireman’s Axe with a striking plate with the fireman’s cross for his swearing in as a Worshipful Master at Hamilton’s Masonic Lodge.
(Ed and his dad were both Fireman).
I drew up a design for him. Gavel is made of oak, and walnut. The striking plate is Oak and Paduak wood.
Congratulations Edward E Sparks
Rifle Rack

Had a call:
"Can you make me a rifle rack like the one I have?"
Can you send me some pictures?
"I’ll just drop the old one off."
That works.
Of course, I made a pattern to make more later.
Rack is made from Yellow Pine. I added a middle tenoned stretcher, his was a bit wobbly.
Ready to stain.